Thursday, August 29, 2013

ACL surgery: Checking in Day 7

A lot of firsts today!  I went to my first post-op doctor's appointment, went to my first post-op Physical Therapy (PT) appointment, took my first post-op shower, and managed to get a full pedal on the static bike.  Today turned out to be as fulfilling as I thought it would be.

I woke up feeling a little worried since my ankles swelled up more and I wasn't sure if it was because I might have compressed my leg a little too tight last night when I went to bed.  Doctor said everything was looking good and my swelling was less than this other patient who had surgery the same day I did. I got my X-ray taken and the screws are in there and everything looks good.  I won't need to go see the doctor for another 5 weeks.

Me at the doctor's office
My PT appointment was a bit more fun and uplifting.  I always enjoy seeing my physical therapist, Doug from MarRan Physical Therapy in Redmond.  He's just awesome!  He had lots of compliments and pats in the back for me :).  He said I was able to do a lot of the exercises that his patients normally do in week 1-2, and he'd never seen a patient be able to do a full pedal on the static bike so early.  I walked in with a flex bend measurement of 90° and after the exercises, I was able to get to 113° !  I walked away with more exercises and more information on how to better take care of my knee.  One downer is that I still need to keep my brace locked at full extension for now when I walk.  He said I should be able to walk next week with the brace set in full range of motion.  Yeah!

This is the adjustment dials for my brace.  There is one of these on each side.   To change the setting, you simply lift and move the pegs to another spot.  This is set at 0 flexion and I've been going back and forth between 0 (when I'm walking) and full motion (when I'm at my desk)

All I'm left to do is to keep up with the exercises every day and continue to RICE.

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