Monday, August 26, 2013

ACL surgery: Checking in Day 5

Things are progressing well from what I can tell.  My post-op check up is on Wednesday so I'll find out more then.  The biggest step over the weekend was the fact that I got to take off my compression wrap and be able to see exactly how my knee looks.  I've started on some of my PT recommended exercises as well.

Picture from Sunday (Day 4 - right after removing the compression wrap)

Picture from Monday (Day 5 - after icing it for a period of time)
I read a site that says to keep track of progress on the following fronts.  So here is my summary:

  • Extension:  Got full extension!  It still feels stiff every time I have my leg bent for a while and try to extend again but at least I got full extension.
  • Flexion (how close your heel can come to your butt): Not great...  I think I've got up to 90 degrees angle.  It hurts to flex...  and that's what I've been working on.
  • Pain: Doesn't hurt until I move my knee.  The first movements always hurt the most, then it tends to settle in and hurts less.
  • Weight bearing:  Been able to put weight on it.
  • Ability to walk without crutches: I've been able to do this with brace on.  Without the brace, I still use the crutch to make sure nothing goes wrong.
  • Ability to drive (right leg surgery):  Not there yet...  maybe in a week.
  • Strength: It's only be 5 days since my last workout so I hope I haven't lost too much strength.  My left leg is getting hella strong through :).
  • Balance: Definitely not at a point to try to balance on my right leg yet.
  • Ability to walk without a limp up and down stairs: From what I've read, this will be 3-4 weeks out.
  • Jogging: I wish.  From what I've read, I might be able to start running in 2-3 months.
  • Jumping: Too far away to think about right now.
  • Cutting:  Too far away to think about right now.
  • Unrestricted return to sports: Probably 6-9 months away.

In terms of my past 3 days play by play.  Keep reading :)

Day 3 - Saturday

By Saturday, I was limping around in my brace and felt great.  So great that Ben and I decided to go to the Farmer's Market to pick up some more fresh vegetables for juicing and stop by Costco for some shopping and take advantage of the driving cart for disabled people.

I managed to not hit anyone except for Ben when I tried to back up too quickly to avoid someone else.  I'm a terrible driver, no doubt.

After that little excursion, I was quite pooped and spent the rest of the day RICE'ing (Resting, Icing, wrapped in my Compression and Elevating my leg).  I tried to do as many leg workout as I could several times a day.

Day 4 - Sunday

Doing my leg lift exercises at Seward Park.
I woke up early and decided to join the Seattle Green Lake Running group on their Easy Like Sunday Morning Run.  Ben was going to join in on the bike ride before hand and then join the run.  For me, it was an excuse to get out of the house and try a little more walking.  What a great day to be outside!  I got to walk around for about an hour or so.

Sunday is also the day that I got to unwrap my compression wrap and was able to take a good look at my knee.  As you could see in the pic, my knee is still quite swollen and it was certainly more purple/blue and swollen than what I was expecting/hoping for.

I also started doing the leg flex exercises.  These are quite painful.

Day 5 - Monday

I got back to work today and very quickly realized that sitting at the computer desk is the worse thing for my knee.  I've resolved to trying to elevate my leg at my desk or working on the couch.  Here's a picture of me working with my leg extended and elevated (and, yes, in my PJs).  My goals continue to be: rest the leg, ice it and try to exercise it every 2 hours or so.

And here are pics of my leg and the bruising situation.

I'll be going out for a walk again soon to get my walking in.

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