Wednesday, September 4, 2013

ACL Surgery: Checking in end of Week 2

I got great news from Doug, my physical therapist, today.  I'm doing great!  My quad and other muscle strength are at where most people are at the 1-month mark.  I've been okayed to walk around without the brace, my flexibility continues to improve and I had a lot more workouts added to my daily routine.

So here is my summary of where I'm at:
  • Extension:  Got full extension!  Knee still gets stiff way too easily when it's in the same position for too long.
  • Flexion (how close your heel can come to your butt): I've gotten up to 140° today when I'm sited.   I'm now working on my flexion when I'm lying on my stomach.  Best today was at 124° and this is the one I really need to work on this week.  
  • Pain: This hasn't changed too much.  I'm down to taking a Tylenol in the morning and Ibuprofen in the afternoon.
  • Weight bearing:  Full weight on it and started trying to walk on my right with equal weight so I'm no lop-sided.
  • Ability to walk without crutches: I started week 2 being told to only walk when the braces were locked.  I actually wasn't very good about keeping to this.  I started walking with the brace in full range and then the last 2 days I've been walking around the house without it.  Good thing that Doug has officially okay'ed me walking around without the brace anywhere I go now.  With the exception of when I'm in very crowded places like going to a football game.
  • Ability to drive (right leg surgery):  I'm okay to start driving.  I haven't tried it yet but will need some practice first with the pedals while the car is off.
  • Strength: My right thigh definitely shrunk in the 1-week my leg has been in the brace.  Luckily, my PT workouts are paying off and it's getting its strength back every day.
  • Balance: Solid.  Can stand on my right leg.  Can quite squat or bend with weight on it yet.
  • Ability to walk without a limp up and down stairs: From what I've read, this will be 3-4 weeks out but I'm working on it this week.  Walking down the stairs is incredibly hard!  I'm starting with 4" steps.
  • Jogging: I wish.  From what I've read, I might be able to start running in 2-3 months.
  • Jumping: Too far away to think about right now.
  • Cutting:  Too far away to think about right now.
  • Unrestricted return to sports: Probably 6-9 months away.
Here are some pictures of my leg and where it's been the last week :)  There aren't too many pictures between day 2 and today.  Even though things continued to improve, I certainly had my down days.  Saturday and Sunday were rough and my leg were bruised and in pain and my ankle were the most swollen I had seen them.  But things got better.
8/29 Day7 - Getting on my own bike.
I've now worked my way to 10 minutes

8/29 Day7 - back of leg bruising
8/29 Day7 - font view

8/30 Day 8 - Back of leg... looked worse

8/30 Day 8 - Front of leg... standing. 
My leg and ankle swelled up more this day.
8/30 Day 8 - at the theatre

9/4 Day 13 -Swelling on the knee looks mostly subsided.
But I can't see my knee bone yet.  

9/4 Day 13 - Standing front leg view

9/4 Day 13 - Back of leg - Bruising looks to be 
much improved! 
9/4 Day 13 - Bruising has unfortunately also 
moved down to my feet. 

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