Thursday, October 3, 2013

ACL Surgery: 6 Week Mark!

I had my 6-week check up with Dr. Peterson yesterday, 10/2.  The visit was rather short but filled with good news!

The assistant escorted me to the room and saw that my leg extension and flexion were pretty good.  Then Dr. Peterson showed up, checked up on my knee and checked how loose/tight the new ACL is.  He said it all felt pretty solid and that I'm good to start using the elliptical, bike outside, swim, and any activity that was in a straight line motion [YEAH!!!], except for running [BOO...].  He said it was best to wait till week 12 to start running since some people have experienced knee irritation from starting to run too soon.  Also, the next 6 weeks are really when the graft is the weakest so best not to add any unduly stress on it.  He frowned a little when I told him that I had already been swimming all good.  Upon a little more prying, he said I could start running in 4.5 weeks if things were going well instead of waiting the full 6.  We'll see...  But overall, all great news.

Right after my doctor's appointment, I had my PT appointment so I got to share the good news with Doug who started me on the elliptical the same day!  It felt great to get on there.  I've been given a plan to start with some biking and a little of elliptical (10 min), and slowly work my way to more elliptical and less biking if I want.  I'll switch it up depending on the day :).

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