Sunday, September 22, 2013

ACL Surgery: One month mark!!!

It's been 2.5 weeks since my last update. Things have been improving slowly.  Wound is healing and getting better.  You can barely see the top 2 holes and the other 3 will probably leave a mark forever.

Here's a summary of where I'm at:
  • Extension:  Full extension comes pretty easily now.  
  • Flexion (how close your heel can come to your butt): This one has its moments.  I went from 140° to 147° to being able to touch my butt after 1-2 of these and my knee has warmed up.  It is still hard, sore and slightly painful to hold for 20 seconds. 
  • Pain: There pretty much hasn't been much pain except during full flexion exercises.  I did also manage to overdo it on my hamstring exercise and had to rest it.
  • Weight bearing:  All good here. I'm even doing heel touches which are exercises where my right leg is on a 4" step and full weight is on my right leg while trying to lower and touch my left heel to the floor.
  • Ability to walk without crutches: I've been crutch- and brace-free for the entire 2.5 weeks now.   Leg still gets tired more easily after workouts and long walks.  I try not to walk too lop-sided when that happens.
  • Ability to drive (right leg surgery):  Been driving! All good here!
  • Strength: My strength workouts have been on a plateau for the past 2 weeks.  
  • Balance: Solid.  
  • Ability to walk without a limp up and down stairs: This has been getting easier.  I still feel pulls on my hamstring when I go down the stairs but it's slowly getting smoother.
  • Jogging and Biking: Got confirmation that the doctor doesn't prescribe running till the 12 week mark.  I have been walking on the treadmill and working my way to 18mph over 20 minutes right now.  When it comes to biking I'm at 40 min of biking at 80+ RPM with relatively low resistance but varying it.
  • Jumping: Too far away to think about right now.
  • Cutting:  Too far away to think about right now.
  • Unrestricted return to sports: Probably 6-9 months away.

For those interested, here is the list of exercises that I've been doing for the past month.  These have been focused on getting me back to full extension and flexion and building up my quads, calf muscles and slowly my hamstrings.  I was told many times that the hamstring recovery was going to be the longest and only living through it now is it sinking in.  My left hamstrings are a LOT weaker now and I pulled it at week 3 so I have pulled back on weight exercises on it for now.  Hopefully, I'll be able to slowly build them up once they are fully healed.

Week 1 Workouts

  1. Heel slides - using bands to get as much extension.
  2. Quad Sets - Rolled towel under the knee and lift and hold for 10 secs
  3. Quad Sets Plus Pillow Squeeze - Lift both heels and then Squeeze and hold for 10 secs
  4. Quad Sets Plus Straight Leg Raise - "Lock, Lift, Lower, Release".  Slowly start adding rep and weight
  5. "Outside" Leg Raise
  6. "Inside" Leg Raise
  7. Repeat Heal Slide
  8. ICE
Week 2 Workouts (added)
  1. Move Knee Cap
  2. Heel Raises - started at 50/50 weight 
  3. Standing mini squats with not resistance
  4. Stationary Bike for "Range of Motion" 6-8 min

Week 3-5 Workouts (added)

  1. Heel Raises - adjusted to 100% weight on my right leg
  2. Prone Leg curl to 90 degrees
  3. Standing mini squats with Blue Band
  4. Steps - Front steps.  Started at 4" steps then moved to 6" steps.
  5. Steps - Side way steps.  Started at 4" steps then moved to 6" steps.
  6. Prone Heel to Butt stretch w/ strap to get more flexion.
  7. Biking or Swimming - for cardio with increased length.  Biking still at low resistance

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

ACL Surgery: Checking in end of Week 2

I got great news from Doug, my physical therapist, today.  I'm doing great!  My quad and other muscle strength are at where most people are at the 1-month mark.  I've been okayed to walk around without the brace, my flexibility continues to improve and I had a lot more workouts added to my daily routine.

So here is my summary of where I'm at:
  • Extension:  Got full extension!  Knee still gets stiff way too easily when it's in the same position for too long.
  • Flexion (how close your heel can come to your butt): I've gotten up to 140° today when I'm sited.   I'm now working on my flexion when I'm lying on my stomach.  Best today was at 124° and this is the one I really need to work on this week.  
  • Pain: This hasn't changed too much.  I'm down to taking a Tylenol in the morning and Ibuprofen in the afternoon.
  • Weight bearing:  Full weight on it and started trying to walk on my right with equal weight so I'm no lop-sided.
  • Ability to walk without crutches: I started week 2 being told to only walk when the braces were locked.  I actually wasn't very good about keeping to this.  I started walking with the brace in full range and then the last 2 days I've been walking around the house without it.  Good thing that Doug has officially okay'ed me walking around without the brace anywhere I go now.  With the exception of when I'm in very crowded places like going to a football game.
  • Ability to drive (right leg surgery):  I'm okay to start driving.  I haven't tried it yet but will need some practice first with the pedals while the car is off.
  • Strength: My right thigh definitely shrunk in the 1-week my leg has been in the brace.  Luckily, my PT workouts are paying off and it's getting its strength back every day.
  • Balance: Solid.  Can stand on my right leg.  Can quite squat or bend with weight on it yet.
  • Ability to walk without a limp up and down stairs: From what I've read, this will be 3-4 weeks out but I'm working on it this week.  Walking down the stairs is incredibly hard!  I'm starting with 4" steps.
  • Jogging: I wish.  From what I've read, I might be able to start running in 2-3 months.
  • Jumping: Too far away to think about right now.
  • Cutting:  Too far away to think about right now.
  • Unrestricted return to sports: Probably 6-9 months away.
Here are some pictures of my leg and where it's been the last week :)  There aren't too many pictures between day 2 and today.  Even though things continued to improve, I certainly had my down days.  Saturday and Sunday were rough and my leg were bruised and in pain and my ankle were the most swollen I had seen them.  But things got better.
8/29 Day7 - Getting on my own bike.
I've now worked my way to 10 minutes

8/29 Day7 - back of leg bruising
8/29 Day7 - font view

8/30 Day 8 - Back of leg... looked worse

8/30 Day 8 - Front of leg... standing. 
My leg and ankle swelled up more this day.
8/30 Day 8 - at the theatre

9/4 Day 13 -Swelling on the knee looks mostly subsided.
But I can't see my knee bone yet.  

9/4 Day 13 - Standing front leg view

9/4 Day 13 - Back of leg - Bruising looks to be 
much improved! 
9/4 Day 13 - Bruising has unfortunately also 
moved down to my feet.