Monday, October 20, 2008

I feel much better about relocating the cats now...

I had gotten quotes from $3000 to $4000 to relocate my cats. Gee!

Like all owners, I would hate it if my kitties had to spend any time in quarantine but spending $3k to $4k can't be the solution... So I started looking into everything that needed to be done.

1. Microchipped
2. Vaccinated
3. Import Permit from HK
4. Health Certificate and 2 other certificates
5. Booking them on air cargo

It all seemed do-able by me. So I compiled all the paperwork I needed and drew up the process and added it all to my MS Project Ghantt chart.

It came down to these tasks which seemed all too doable...

Pet Tasks

  • File HK Permit forms (DONE)

  • Buy IATA compliant Pet Carriers (In process)

  • Buy other travel needed items

  • Get cats vaccinated & microchipped (DONE)

  • Get health certification

  • Get Health Certification USDA certified

  • Make copies (3) of Health Certification

  • Book cargo flight as Manifest Cargo and show them all paperwork

  • Get Air Waybill number

  • Use Prior Document Checking Service to make sure all paperwork is okay - via email

  • Notify HK of the arrival of the pets 2 days prior

  • We'll see how well I do...

    Friday, October 17, 2008

    Moving to Hong Kong - Starting the Planning

    We finally made the committment to move to Hong Kong (yes... at least for the next year or two). Let all the planning begin!

    I started drafting everything that needed to be done in MS Project yesterday and there are already nearly 60 line items on there. Includes every detail from getting my two cats health certificates to holding a garage sale for all our stuff. It's daunting! But we've got to start somewhere.